Entry 5: Team Pearl Izumi

Krista Miner Sidwell sporting her new Pearl Izumi kit.

Wearing my new Pearl Izumi gear shortly after I joined the team.

While training for the Utah Valley Marathon, I learned about Team Pearl Izumi–a community of athletes that were dedicated to fitness/wellness, who pushed themselves together to new heights and achievements, and by so doing, inspired others in the process to do the same. A friend of mine had been selected for the team earlier that year and what she had to say about the team intrigued me.  I went onto the Pearl Izumi website, found a contact email and asked how I could learn more about the team and apply.

Krista Miner Sidwell's Acceptance letter for 2014 Team Pearl Izumi.

Acceptance letter for 2014 Team Pearl Izumi.

The result of these efforts launched me onto a road that has brought me so many positive benefits and interactions. I was selected by the team in early March and have loved being an ambassador of their products and a member of such a unique group of talented athletes. I trained for the Utah Valley Marathon in the Pearl Izumi E: Motion Road N2s and know that it made a big difference in my pre and post race running results. (See

Krista Miner Sidwell logged 425 miles running during 10 weeks of preparation for the Utah Valley Marathon.

425 Miles during 10 weeks of training for the Utah Valley Marathon

shoes in graphic to the left).

After logging 425 miles of runs in 10 weeks of training, it was time to put it all to the test.  I knew I had put in the work to accomplish my goal, but I was concerned because in all my runs above 20 miles, I had hit “the wall.” Mile 22 was especially problematic for me. If that happened to me during my race, my goal of qualifying for Boston at this race would not happen.

My story continues with: The Utah Valley Marathon.

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